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Pic source: thelifestudio |
Salam Isnin sahabat. Dah cium anak bini pagi ni? (my case, cium anak dan laki la ye) Dah masuk kerja? Dah having good healthy breakfast/sahur? No?
Kenapa ni u ollz? Muram jek. Owh, Monday Blues ye. Sebagai entri berilmiah pertama pada Ramadhan yang mulia ni, jo sembang-sembang apa makna Monday blues yang kita asyik sebut-sebut ni ek?
Monday blues a.k.a Blue-Monday ni sebenarnya sejenis penyakit korang tau tak. Tapi jangan bimbang. Ada penawarnya dan tak bahaya pun penyakit ni, cuma bahayanya adalah kalau tak dibendung. Nanti melarat pulak. Penyakit ni adalah sejenis perasaan tak best pada pagi Isnin (bangun pun malas, nak kerja pun takde mood) setelah berehat panjang on weekend. Lagi satu pasal kita dah ada mind set yang we have a longggg week (padahal 4, 5 hari je pun) untuk berkerja all out, before we get some time off. The 'blues' itself cumalah idiom sahaja dan takde kena-mengena dengan kaler biru tu pun. Mihmihmih.
Ada sesetengah orang kata, 'blues' stand for muzik blues yang biasanya bertema sedih. Jadi lepas dengar, pendengar pun rasa sedih, dan mood terus bertukar sedih. Boleh cenggitu??
لَاحَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِمِ
Ada sesetengah orang kata, 'blues' stand for muzik blues yang biasanya bertema sedih. Jadi lepas dengar, pendengar pun rasa sedih, dan mood terus bertukar sedih. Boleh cenggitu??
Kalau boleh (mintak sangat-sangat) korang semua (dan aku jugak) janganlah terpengaruh dengan dakyah Monday blues bagai yang merepek ni. Hati aku kuat mengatakan ni semua propa si 'ehem ehem' je supaya kita orang Islam yang terpengaruh, jadi malas serupa tenuk, secara langsung mengurangkan produktiviti kita pada Hari Isnin yang ceria ni.
Bak kata abah, dalam Islam tak ada hari sial atau hari yang tak baik. Semua hari pun baik. Malah Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri sangat suka pada hari Isnin.
Bak kata abah, dalam Islam tak ada hari sial atau hari yang tak baik. Semua hari pun baik. Malah Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri sangat suka pada hari Isnin.
Daripada Abu Qatadah al-Ansari berkata: Rasulullah SAW ditanya oleh sahabat tentang kelazimannya berpuasa pada setiap hari Isnin. Maka baginda bersabda: "Padanya aku dilahirkan dan padanya wahyu pertama diturunkan kepada ku".(HR Muslim)
Dah kalau Rasulullah s.a.w suka, kita pulak sape nak benci-benci ye dak? Tahukah korang yang pada hari Isnin :-
- Nabi Idris a.s diangkat ke langit
- Nabi Musa a.s menerima wahyu di Bukit Thursina
-Turunnya dalil tentang keesaan Allah (Surah Al-Ikhlas)
-Pertama kali Jibril turun bertemu Rasulullah di Gua Hira'
-Semua amal perbuatan umat diperlihatkan kepada Rasulullah s.a.w
-Rasulullah s.a.w tiba di Quba' dan mendirikan Masjid Quba', masjid pertama dalam sejarah Islam
-Saidina Abu Bakar r.a dibaiah menjadi Khalifah Islam pertama (hari Rasulullah s.a.w wafat)
-Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w dilahirkan
-Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w wafat
Dalam banyak-banyak hari, Hari Isnin jugak yang Allah S.W.T pilih untuk kekasihNya lahir ke dunia dan kembali padaNya. Maka, tentulah sangat istimewa hari Isnin ini bagi Allah S.W.T. Malah para sahabat pernah bertanya Rasulullah perihal hari-hari yang tujuh dan sabda Rasul :-
Hari Isnin adalah hari yang baik untuk bermusafir dan berniaga kerana pada hari Isnin Nabi Syith telah musafir dalam urusan perniagaan dan beliau banyak mendapat keuntungan dari perniagaannya.
لَاحَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِمِ
Dah, lepas ni tak payah nak Monday, Monday Blues lagi. Kalau rasa suram dan muram jugak, baik korang baca zikir ni 100 kali, lagi banyak pekdahnye. Hihi."La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah", maksudnya tiada daya dan kekuatan (untuk menolak sesuatu kemudaratan dan mendatangkan suatu yang manfaat) selain Allah SWT.
Fadhilat Zikir ini Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya: "Siapa yang mengucapkan La Haula Wala Quwwata illa billahi, maka ia akan menjadi ubat kepada 99 penyakit. Yang paling ringan adalah kebimbangan". (Hadis Riwayat Tabrani)
Ini aku copipes dari blog thelifestudio. Aku rasa bagus jugak tips-tips yang dikongsikan ni untuk menceriakan hari, tak salah mencuba kan. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.
1. Think of five things in your life you’re grateful for Do this before you even get out of bed! This will switch your thinking from ‘I don’t want to get up and go to the office’ onto all the good things you have in your life. Everyone has a least five. Everyone. (For me, Adam, my family, my health, my career n of course my breath. Thanks allah, sehari lagi aku bernyawa untuk sujud padaMu)
2. Swap the news for music It seems to be the goal of the media to keep highlighting everything that is going wrong in the world. I mean, when was the last time you heard a good news story? You don’t need that extra stress on Monday morning. Instead of turning on the radio or TV, put on some music you love – something that gets you pumped up for the week ahead. (In our case, pasang surah atau zikir yang kita suka, ok gak)
3. Have a cold shower Or a least, at the end of your shower give yourself a quick blast of cold water. This boosts your circulation and alertness without the use of caffeine (which gives you a ‘false high’ that crashes later). Plus, you’ll be glad to get out of the shower and get on with your day! (Kalau mandi air panas, seyes rasa macam tak mandi kan)
4. Eat a healthy breakfast That means no sugary cereals that fill you up for about an hour, then leave you irritable as your blood-sugar levels crash back down. Fresh fruit juices are a great source of natural energy. Healthy protein (ie not fried bacon and sausages) such as natural yogurt or eggs will give you a sustained boost of energy throughout the morning, as will complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal or wholemeal bread. You would be amazed how much food can affect your mood, so make Monday mornings easier on yourself and chose a healthy breakfast. (Jangan lupa bangun sahur untuk tenaga sepanjang hari)
5. Wear something nice Putting on smart clothes gives us an instant boost – clothes are a big part of how we present ourselves to the world. If we put on smart clothes it tells the world we are feeling positive and focussed – and after a few minutes we start to believe it ourselves. Colour is also very important. The drab colours favoured by the business world can depress our mood. In colour theory, red is considered to be the colour of drive and sucess, orange the colour of healthy and vitality and yellow the colour of warmth and friendliness. Try adding a little colour to your outfit (a tie or scarf perhaps) to help lift your mood. (Tapi mesti tutup aurat ye)
6. Smile and say hello to everyone you meet I don’t quite know the pschology of this, but I do know from personal experience that taking the time to be nice and friendly to people leaves me feeling good about myself. If only more people had figured that out, Monday mornings might be a happier experience for everyone! (Always make sure we are the first one to greet others with Salam)
7. Find an excuse to laugh Laughter has all kinds of positive effects on our bodies and our minds. If none of your colleagues can help, find a funny joke or video clip on the internet. 2 minutes spent on laughter will have benefits for your productivity and focus throughout the day. (Funny husband is a great excuse for me (^_^)
8. Do something kind Similar to number 6, being kind to others gives our mood a boost. It can lift up out of all our grumpiness. If you don’t feel like helping out a colleague, you could send a quick e-mail to someone you care about with a few kind words. Try it and see, it will boost your mood. (Cara paling mudah yang abah ajar, tiap-tiap hari make sure baca Al-Fatihah 3x, sedekahkan pada Rasulullah S.A.W, keluarga baginda, para sahabat, wali-wali Allah, para anbiya, para syuhada, guru-guru agama, kedua ibu bapa, muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan mukminat al-ahya'ee minhum wal amwat. Amalan beliau sejak umur 10 tahun =)
9. Bring a little piece of your weekend with you So you had a great weekend but now its Monday and you feel like you have to forget all about fun and happiness and get SERIOUS. That’s a surefire way to give yourself the Monday blues. Of course you can’t sit at your desk all day dreaming about the past weekend (well, I don’t recomend it anyway!), but you could have a little momento of your weekend to ease the transtion to Monday. Maybe a photo from the weekend’s fun on your desk, or send a quick message to the friend you met up with, or pin up a ticket from the concert you went to. Your workspace is your space – you don’t have to erase your whole personality from it. Plus, its a reminder that the next weekend is only five days away! (Aku tiap-tiap Isnin tukar desktop background dengan gambar-gambar latest B dan Adam, sebagai motivation)
10. If all that doesn’t work …. maybe you need to think about changing your life We can all feel a bit down on Monday mornings as we leave behind the fun of the weekend but if you find Mondays fill you with dread and you hate every minute you spend at work – well, maybe you need to make some changes. Think about a career change, or just introducing a new element to your life (a challenging new hobby, start a healthy regime, book a trip to somewhere you’ve never been). (career change? Heheh)
So, after this mulakan minggu korang dengan positif keyh. Aku pun janji akan buat yang sama. Sama macam tiga hari punya rule, hari ini mesti lebih baik dari semalam, dan esok mesti lebih baik dari hari ini. Kita set dalam kepala di permulaan minggu ni, minggu ini haruslah lebih baik dari minggu lepas, minggu depan pulak lebih baik dari minggu ini. Selamat berkerja dan Selamat Hari Isnin ^_^