Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Some People

Some people are just too ignorant, they think they can hurt me so easy. Come on lah, don't you know I'm a mother now? Being a mother, I've grown ups a lot. I'm more matured now, become more patient. How's that RM2k can affect my life? You think I'll let you do that to me?

  Some people are just too ignorant, they think I'll crash and burn over that RM2k. Hahah. When I decided to bring my child to specialist, that's mean my husband and I can afford it. If we can get back the money, it's good then. I'm happy. But if we can't then it's fine. I'm not sad! We just want what is best for our child. 

Who are you to react as if my whole life, our entire family is depending to that small amount of money. Who are you to react as if we will face tremendous financial crisis over that small amount of money. Get over it.

Do you guys know I have to face this annoying person every single day? When I say 'annoying' what I meant was person who is actually mean, manipulative and downright evil (I'm not being emotional, if you are im my shoes you would know). Sometimes these can be harder to spot, because she'll often make you feel like you're the problem. She'll play on your guilt, conceal their evil in altruism and exploit your sympathies for her. Once you realize what's really happening, it's already too late. You are the one who paid the cost.

Mak cik, why don't you focus on your own life instead of desperately eyeing on my beautiful life? How many times do I have to stress here, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! So why bother? If you feel so relief, so happy to see I'm somber and dull, I hope you enjoy the disappointment. Because I've never been better. You might not know this but my heart is big enough to say you're forgiven. Yes, I Forgive You =) But still, I will suggest you to get some treatment : this is highly recommended for you.

Yesterday, I gave myself a thought. This is a big lesson for me because I've became less and less cautious towards you lately. And whenever you saw there's a chance, you stabbed my back. 

Is it my fault to continuously show you some respects, offer you kindness despite of what you do to me in the past? Repeatedly take credit for my efforts, blame me for your mess. No, I don't think so. I'll keep being generous, sympathetic, helpful, kind to you because at the end of the day, Mak cik, everybody around us know the one who need sympathy is YOU! 

 Update: Teringat lagu ni, so nak letak liriknya dekat sini.


Aku minta maaf di atas segala perbuatanku
Ternyata kamu lebih suci
Dari apa yang kubayangkan

Ada teratak di hujung kampung
Bawah cermin kopak ada kotak
Tersembunyi dalamnya ada tempurung
Sembunyi bawahnya katak melalak…

Aku maafkan kamu…
Tak perlu kita bertemu
Cukup kau tahu
Yang aku…
Maafkan kamu
Tolong teruskan hidup
Jangan sebut namaku…

Atur sepuluh daktil batal yang batil
Detik dua usul ditutup satu lagi tampil
Dari halaman rusuk kiri satu susuk ganjil
Minta diisolasi dari dalil busuk jahil
Aspirasi tak serasi dengan suara bunyi

Inkarserasi dari penghuni dan keluarga bumi
Surat wasiatnya atas paksi dalam rumi
Minta dikebumikan hidup-hidup dalam guni
Mana cepat terbang atau warna gelang tangan
Buah fikiran aneh tergantung di persimpangan
Halusinasi susuli ketandusan ihsan
Ubat parut auditori kesan artileri insan
Gagal dikesan…

Aku maafkan kamu…
Tak perlu kita bertemu
Cukup kau tahu
Yang aku…
Maafkan kamu…
Tolong teruskan hidup
Jangan sebut namaku..

Timbul tenggelam, timbul tenggelam
Acapkali terpendam, acapkali tersergam
Cermin muka kopak penuh bintik hitam silam
Ini bukan lagu rindu ini madah dendam
Kutimbang tanpa neraca di awal usia
Ku dihukum masuk neraka oleh manusia
Minta tunjuk lubang atau pintu tak dapat jawapan jitu
Jadi aku tak berganjak biarkan saja begitu
Maafkan mereka, mereka tidak tahu

Mereka tidak ramas buku, mereka segan ilmu
Mereka tidak fasih malah fasik guna kata
Kita kongsi nama bangsa tapi tidak kasta bahasa
Maafkan mereka, mereka tiada nilai
Ibu bapa lalai dari kecil dah diabai
Tanpa kasih sayang, mereka suka menyakiti
Kita kongsi warna mata tapi tidak warna hati

Atas kepala murai sekawan
Mari ku ramit kucup lehernya
Terlalu rahi dendam di angan
Sampai terkacip mulut mahirnya…

Kenapa awak tak pukul mereka…
Saya tak suka pada keganasan…

Jangan ahli sihir seru nama maharaja
Nanti segerombolan hantu bisu yang menjelma
Guna hak berfikir sebelum hak untuk bersuara
Kalau terpelajar sila guna hak miranda
Pura-pura dengar, telan tapi tidak hadam
Hafaz bila lafaz tapi mereka tidak faham
Mereka mula kiri, aku kanan bila baca
Sudah mahir rumi…
Mari tafsir Alif Baa Taa…

Ada teratak di hujung kampung
Bawah cermin kopak ada kotak
Tersembunyi dalamnya ada tempurung
Sembunyi bawahnya katak melalak

Ternyata kamu lebih suci
Dari apa yang kubayangkan…

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